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Hong Kong Red Cross -

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Hong Kong Red Cross Shun Lee Hostel



The hostel was initially established in 1968 at Tsz Wan Shan Estate and later relocated to Shun Lee Estate in 1981. It was then renamed as Hong Kong Red Cross Shun Lee Hostel with its capacity increased from 18 to 38.  The hostel is fully subvented by the Social Welfare Department.

— Accommodation and meal
— Daily life and work training
— Individual and group counselling
— Volunteer service
— Recreational and social activities
— Parents work

Service Target
Aged 15 or above, moderate grade mentally handicapped persons

38 places (16 female and 22 male)

The residential fee adheres to the guidance provided by the Social Welfare Department.

The hostel has been dedicated to offering comprehensive cares and residential services for individuals with mental disabilities. Through daily living skills, vocational training and social development programs, we empower our residents to make their own choices, enhancing their autonomy and self-confidence. Our holistic approach aims to facilitate their integration into the society and boost their self-esteem. We believe that by promoting a spirit of friendship and mutual support among our residents, we create a nurturing community where they can thrive and feel a sense of belonging.

Service Features
— We advocate for the principles of humanity, emphasizing the belief in and respect for the intrinsic value of human life and the dignity of every individual.
— We nurtured our residents' potential through diverse training programs designed to enhance their overall well-being, promote their health, enrich their life experiences and foster a sense of responsibility and independence.
— We encourage voluntary services, providing opportunities to engage in the caring process and gain firsthand experience.
— We actively participate in community activities which play a vital role in broadening our residents' exposure to the society.
— We promote residents' self-determination and proactivity by actively encouraging the expression of their needs and opinions.

Admission and Exit from Service

Admission Criteria
— Currently undergoing or being arranged for a day placement.
— Physically and mentally suitable for group living, such as being physically healthy with no active infectious diseases.

Application Procedure
— Applications have to be referred to the Social Welfare Department's Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services (CRSRehab) by the social workers of family service centres or rehabilitation centres.
— Applicants will be interviewed by the Hostel to assess their suitability for admission. Prior to admission, applications should undertake a medical examination.
— Formal admission will be granted to applications after they have passed a three-month trial placement.

Exit from Service
— Parents / guardians can initiate discharge plan at their own discretion by submitting a written request.
— The hostel conducts regular assessments of residents' abilities and based on their needs, we may refer them to suitable services such as Day Activity Centre or Care & Attention Home.
— Residents may be discharged from the service if they are unable to adapt to the hostel routine or violate the hostel rules.


The Red Cross Adult Unit 33 was officially formed. The members put on their uniforms and took their oath with enthusiasm and confidence.

Residents engaged in the rehearsal of the dance routine.

Residents participated in the lion dance performance at the Cheung Chau Bun Festival.

Residents were engrossed in creating graffiti artwork with great focus and concentration.


For matters relating to Shun Lee Hostel, please contact us at
Community Care Service (Shun Lee Hostel), Hong Kong Red Cross Head Office
Tel: (852) 2514 2265
Fax: (852) 3103 4010
Address: 19 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong


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