Nomination & Candidacy
Eligibility of Candidate
- A Hong Kong Resident irrespective of gender, nationality and race
- Nominee can only be nominated in name of an individual
- Voluntary acts should not be prompted in any manner by desire for gain
- The humanitarian act should be committed from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2023
- If the nominee has passed away, the period between cessation of the nominee activities and submission of the application nomination must not exceed one year
Hong Kong Humanity Award
- No age limit
- Nominee should perform outstanding humanitarian act proactively or participate in long-term humanitarian contribution as a paragon
- Nominee's voluntary humanitarian acts beyond the scope of his/her paid job duties are the main area of assessment
Hong Kong Humanity Youth Power
- Aged 35 or below (as of 31 March 2024)
- Nominee should perform humanitarian act proactively and continuously
- Nominee's voluntary humanitarian acts beyond the scope of his/her paid job duties are the main area of assessment
Nomination Procedure
- A candidate must be nominated by not more than two individuals or organisations and cannot be self-nominated
- The nominator must be aged 18 or above, or be a company or organisation registered in Hong Kong
- The candidate cannot be nominated by a relative
- Members of the Selection Panel are not eligible for nomination or to make nomination
- The nominator (individual or organisation) can only make one nomination in one single year
Submission of Nomination Form
- “Hong Kong Humanity Award 2024” accepts online, by mail or in-person nomination
- The online nomination form must be filled in through the "Hong Kong Humanity Award 2024" online registration system (this website) on or before HKT 5:00pm on 12th July, 2024 (Friday)
- The nomination form delivered by mail or in-person must reach the Hong Kong Red Cross Headquarters (Address: 19 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong) by HKT 5:00 pm (according to the postmark) on 12th July, 2024 (Friday). Please mark “Hong Kong Humanity Award 2024" on the envelope
- The nomination form must be confirmed by the nominator(s) and the candidate
- The nominator should describe the humanitarian behavior carried out by the candidate, including the years of service and his/her philosophy, in no more than 800 words. Supporting document(s) and recommendation letter(s) are not required
Selection Procedures
- Short-listed candidate is required to attend a selection interview on 5th October, 2024 (Saturday)
Result Announcement
- Awardees and his/her nominator(s) must attend the Award Presentation Ceremony
- Awardees will be accepted to attend all media interviews pre-arranged by the organiser(s) and activities related to the promotion of humanitarian spirit thereafter
Important Dates
| Nomination deadline |
| Selection interview |
| Award Presentation Ceremony |
* The organisers reserve the rights to the final decision of the nomination rules and judging schedule.