Health Express
【Prevention of infectious diseases】
【Health Express】
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Issue 122 (October 2021) Traditional Cigarette & Electronic Cigarette
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 121 (September 2021) Dementia
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 120 (August 2021) Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 119 (July 2021) Healthy Sleep
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 118 (June 2021) Healthy Diet to Prevent Diabetes
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 117 (May 2021) SARS-CoV-2 viral mutations
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 115 (Mar 2021) World Tuberculosis Day
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 114 (Feb 2021) World Cancer Day - Understanding Colorectal Cancer
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version) (Nepali version)
Issue 113 (Jan 2021) COVID-19 Vaccines
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version)
Issue 112 (Dec 2020) Eye Care and Protection
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version)
Issue 111 (Nov 2020) World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version)
Issue 110 (Oct 2020) Understanding Osteoporosis
(Punjabi version) (Urdu version)
Issue 109 (Sep 2020) Immunity Enhancement in COVID-19
Issue 108 (Aug 2020) Management upon Notification of a Confirmed Case in Workplace
Issue 107 (July 2020) COVID-19 Outbreak 3.0
Issue 106 (June 2020) Being Physically Active
Issue 105 (May 2020) Back to School in COVID-19
Issue 104 (Apr 2020) Psychological Support in COVID-19
Issue 103 (Mar 2020) Prevention of COVID-19
Issue 102 (Feb 2020) Prevention of COVID-19
Issue 101 (Dec 2019) Subdural Hematoma
Issue 100 (Nov 2019) What is Dioxins?
Issue 98 (Sept 2019) Management of inhaling Tear Gas
Issue 97 (Aug 2019) Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Issue 96 (Jul 2019) Gastroenteritis
Issue 95 (June 2019) Psychological First Aid
Issue 94 (May 2019) African Swine Fever
Issue 93 (Apr 2019) World immunization week
Issue 91 (Feb 2019) The Sweet Threat
Issue 90 (Jan 2019) School suspension because of Influenza
Issue 89 (Dec 2018) Causes of Hypothermia
Issue 87 (Oct 2018) Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Issue 86 (Sept 2018) First Aid Treatment of Burnt
Issue 85 (Aug 2018) Dengue Fever
Issue 84 (July 2018) Travel and Health
Issue 83 (June 2018) Health Diet for 3 hypers
Issue 82 (May 2018) Health problems in Hot Summer
Issue 81 (April 2018) Measles outbreak @ Okinawa
Issue 80 (Mar 2018) World TB Day
Issue 79 (Feb 2018) Cut off the infection chain
Issue 78 (Jan 2018) Winter Influenza
Issue 77 (Dec 2017) Scarlet Fever
Issue 76 (Nov 2017) Antibiotics Awareness
Issue 75 (Oct 2017) Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Issue 74 (Sept 2017) Health Tips of School life
Issue 73 (Aug 2017) Summer Flu Season
Issue 72 (July 2017) Japanese Encephalitis
Issue 71 (June 2017) Prevent heat stroke
Issue 70 (May 2017) Gastroenteritis and Food poisoning
Issue 69 (Apr 2017) Depression
Issue 68 (Mar 2017) Necrotising fasciitis
Issue 67 (Feb 2017)Healthy Use of Oil
Issue 66 (Jan 2017)Imported Avian Flu
Issue 65 (Dec 2016)Buffet and Health
Issue 64 (Nov 2016)Alcohol and Health
Issue 63 (Oct 2016) Sleeping and Health
Issue 62 (Sept 2016) Zika infection in HK
Issue 61 (Aug 2016) Electronic screen products and Health
Issue 60 (July 2016) Obesity and diseases
Issue 59 (June 2016) Avian Flu reappears
Issue 58 (May 2016) Mosquitoes and Biting Midges
Issue 57 (Apr 2016) Flight aganist Diabetes
Issue 56 (Mar 2016) Tips to prevent Influenza
Issue 55 (Feb 2016) Zika Virus Infection
Issue 54 (Jan 2016) Hypothermia
Issue 53 (Dec 2015) The Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Issue 52 (Nov 2015) The Carcinogenic Meat
Issue 51 (Oct 2015) The Trivial facts of DM
Issue 50 (Sept 2015) The cost of Mooncake
Issue 49 (August 2015) Food Posioning
Issue 48 (July 2015) Lead in Drinking Water
Issue 47 (June 2015) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Issue 46 (May 2015) Prevent MRSA infection
Issue 45 (Apr 2015) Does Blueberries cause Hepatitis A ?
Issue 44 (Mar 2015) Beware of Mushroom Food Poisoning
Issue 43 (Feb 2015) H3N2 Influenza
Issue 42 (Jan 2015) The Hot Pot Secret
Issue 40 (Nov 2014) Arrhythmia
Issue 39 (Oct 2014) Coronary heart disease
Issue 38 (Sept 2014) Non communicable diseases
Issue 37 (Aug 2014) Prevent Heat Stroke
Issue 36 (Jul 2014) The benefit and harm of sunlight
Issue 35 (Jun 2014) Japanese Encephalitis
Issue 34 (May 2014) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Issue 33 (Apr 2014) New Year with new directions
Issue 32 (Mar 2014) The eczema falsehoods
Issue 31 (Feb 2014) The Cold Front
Issue 30 (Jan 2014) H1N1 Swine Flu
Issue 29 (Dec 2013) H7N9 Avian Flu
Issue 28 (Nov 2013) Fatty Girl's Worry
Issue 27 (Oct 2013) The Secret of Hairy Crab
Issue 26 (Sept 2013) Common infectious diseases in new school year
Issue 25 (Aug 2013) Travel Health
Issue 24 (July 2013) Water Safety
Issue 23 (June 2013) Dengue Fever
Issue 22 (May 2013) Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Issue 21 (Mar 2013) Tuberculosis
Issue 19 (Jan 2013) Hand Hygiene
Issue 18 (Dec 2012) The Correct Use of Bleach
Issue 17 (Nov 2012) Viral Gastroenteritis
Issue 16 (Oct 2012) Chickenpox
Issue 15 (Sept 2012) Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
Issue 14 (Aug 2012) New Influenza Vaccine Recommendation
Issue 12 (Jun 2012) Bacillary Dysentery
Issue 11 (May 2012) Influenza A & B
Issue 10 (Apr 2012) Bacterial Food Poisoning
Issue 09 (Mar 2012) Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Issue 08 (Feb 2012) Norovirus Infection
Issue 07 (Jan 2012) Legionnaires' Disease
Issue 06 (Dec 2011) Avian Influenza
Issue 04 (Oct) 2011 Influenza Vaccine
Issue 03 (Sept 2011) Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease & EV71
Issue 02 (Aug 2011) Heat Stroke
Issue 01 (July 2011) Scarlet Fever